Friday, January 8, 2010

OH Whirleygig!! Chrissys Thrilling Thursday

So heres the story morning glory...jim and i were watching antique road show (yes thats right) and had just finished a wonderful segment on antique whirlygigs...when a whirlygig of sorts took off like a space ship in my tummy!!! I started yacking, which jim was thrilled about since he just cleaned up jetta yack...oh the joy of owning a princess of a cat that hates every food on the planet. Speaking of planets, at this point in my evening i had come to the very plausible conclusion that i had aliens dueling in my tummy. After yacking a few hundred times with pain that was blinding we decided to make the trip to the ER in blizzard like conditions!!! Jim was a superb driver...considering the situation: HORRIFIC roads, a girlfriend flopping around like a fish, while dry heaving, while asking for the window up, down, up ok maybe down. Cut scene to the can really get some great service if you are the only one out during a blizzard. After a FULL exam (that doctor really owes me dinner and flowers) all my scenarios...appendicitis, being possessed with the need of an exorcism, and my trusty alien came down to stones!!!! Stonehenge is made of the same size stones that are passing through me...the doctor did not confirm this, but i know what i know what i know. Chrissy!!!


tattered 'n torn prims said...

Been there...done that with Rick....Oh you poor girl!! I hope the aliens depart quickly!! :O)

Take care and God bless that man of yours!! tee hee hee!!
