What a Mess I have Made

yep, that's my table.....I cannot believe I ended up dragging out every craft item I own to make 12 little valentines...........its the pressure.....these are
talented girls the mailman is going to be delivering my creations to so I need to put a little extra effort into them.
Here are the first valentines I have received..........
My friend, Stella hand delivered not one but two gifts.....she had gotten sick before Christmas and actually just recovered completely.....so a holiday present and a valentine came on the same day mixed in with a wonderful visit....
Stella makes the most beautiful rosaries so here is my Christmas gift................it is made with Autumn jasper with sterling silver

What can be said but WOW, I love it.As if that wasn't enough, she had my valentine.....it is a locket that resembles a pocket watch and Stella really thought about me when she was making this beauty.....wrist watch parts, a red rose for valentines day, some snipets of paper inside say "art and soul" and the other says "seize the day" this is just my kind of jewelry.....i LOVE anything unusual. So, Jackie and so thoughtful. Thank you Stella.

This morning my husband had a doctors appointment 3 of the artist participating in this swap work in the office.....so I got a surprise when I got there Karen was ready.....I am not ready with mine but Karen the little over achiever was ready and waiting with envelope in hand...... and it was wonderful......a little teaser....this is the inside of the card..... :O

Now for the gorgeous outside....Karen is, as I am, a Tim Holtz fan so she distress' to perfection.....wasn't the paper heart doily a great idea....and the vintage clip art is right up my alley....
Thank you Karen, sorry my photo is so blurry....I need some lessons from your hubby in the camera department :O)
So thats it for today.....keep checking in , 10 more valentines to be delivered and I will post them as they arrive...I can harly wait.