Yesterday, what seemed to be a disaster - going to Lawrenceville on Monday and not knowing that all the cool shops on the entire street are closed on Monday - turned into a good day. I found some fabulous stuff at Construction Junction and a new restaurant to boot!
This charming vintage dresser was a steal at $15, and the book cart sitting in front of it - vintage, made of metal, with World Book Encyclopedia printed on the front - was only $5. We found some *free* stuff in someone's trash along Penn Ave., and saw many fabulous things we could not get home, including a vintage white children's picnic table someone was throwing out.
I need a conversion van. One of those ones that can haul either 15 people or mountains of stuff.
My blazer isn't big enough. Especially since my mom never took out the lawn chairs from 4th of July, and all this stuff had to fit in the back yesterday.
For the full version of the story, check out my personal blog over here: Gob Pile.
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